Monday, April 20, 2009

Gospel Doctrine Lesson 14: What Worked?

Lesson 14 generated some really interesting comments and discussion here at GDU. How did the lessons go? What angles did you try? What did you think worked particularly well?


  1. So I suppose I'll have to start since the Teacher was so kind as to accomodate my original request. But I'm hoping the rest of you will chime in. I think it's one thing to throw ideas out there, and something completely different when the rubber meets the road - to see how all this lofty thinking plays out with the saints.

    It wasn't my week to teach, but I have no problem acting as class critic (to fulfill a B.H. Roberts request). My team teacher, for whom I have immense respect chose to focus on caring for the poor. I have to give him props for that since ultimately that's PART of the problem at hand. And that's certainly the safest way to go.

    He also mentioned something interesting. "When it's time to fill out the fast offering it's amazing to see how cheaply a family can eat two meals." A member of our bishopric replied "It's also amazing to see how much people contribute - well beyond what two meals would cost." The teacher agreed and mentioned the value of confidentiality in this matter.

    I'm dismayed though, at how easily the subject of talents (the whole reason, I think, the Lord requires equality in the temporal) is forgotten or disregarded or not realized.

    On the whole, my team teacher is excellent. I rarely leave the class disappointed.

  2. We talked about caring for the poor and equality (of course). But I have to say, the most interesting discussion came from Elder Maxwell's quote and idea in the lesson manual. We talked about how we can sometimes give to the Lord, but still hold back, choosing not to fully consecrate our hearts, efforts, etc. The discussion of different ways this can happen was really good.

  3. The most interesting discusion in our class was about 1) whether or not the law is still in effect, 3) whether or not it was possible to achieve, 4) why Bishops are no longer paid and when did it stop.

    My conclusion was that even if we (talking about myself here) are not willing to share of our posseions to have eveyone live equally, at least we could commit to treating everyone equally regardless of one's background (education, money, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc). We need to view everyone we encounter as an opportunity to learn something.

  4. Bishops were paid? I'd like to know more about that.

  5. Ellen,

    It was generally accepted that Bishops were to take from the storehouse whatever was neccesary to support there family in the early years. In the 1880s or so, things got complicated as more and more tithing was paid in cash. Thus the understanding that Bishops got 8% of the tithing collected; Stake Pres got 2% and then they took care of the needs of the local church...any surplus back to SLC. D&C 70:12 is the scriptural basis.

    I don't know for sure when this tradition stop. Depending on the area, somewhere between 1910 and 1930 is my best guess.


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